Leadership and Pattern Recognition

As an executive coach and team effectiveness specialist, I have the privilege of interacting regularly with business owners and senior executive to discuss alignment and productivity issue (two sides of the same coin) in the “here and now,” and to uncover growth opportunities and potential inflection points further into the future. Pattern recognition plays an…

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From Artist to Executive Coach

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From Artist to Executive Coach Ten reasons an arts education makes good business sense As an executive coach with a degree in fine art, I’m often asked “How did you go from artist to executive coach”? It’s a fair question. To clarify, in between I did spend a huge chunk of my career running a…

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Can The Arts Improve Business Performance?

Did you know that students who study art outperform students who don’t on the SAT? Or, that Nobel Laureates are 22 times more likely to be performing artists? Did you know that 400 CEO’s of major U.S. corporations rank creativity, collaboration and communication among the most critical skills for success in the 21st century? New…

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Conflict is Natural….and Manageable

Conflicts are normal in collaborative work environments. There are literally dozens of potential triggers that can derail a conversation or a relationship and inevitably, we all fall victim to conflict of one kind or another. Understanding a person’s personality better (what energizes them vs. what causes them stress) helps us avoid these conflict triggers. A…

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We are pleased to announce that Mare Rosenbaum has joined The Curci Group, an Executive Coaching and Facilitation firm located in Center City, Philadelphia. Mare’s primary responsibilities will include facilitating meetings and retreats for our regional, national and international clients. With the new association, in addition to Ms. Rosenbaum’s proprietary executive relocation program, she will be…

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From Physician to Organizational Leader

According to recent data, close to *90% of healthcare organizations currently use coaches as a preerred developmental approach for senior and high potential leaders. While coaching topics like internal communication, building relationships, succession planning, managing conflict and emotional resilience are common, increasingly organizations are also leveraging one-on-on coaching to help transition physicians into new leadership…

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Appreciative Inquiry = Strengths based Leadership

Have you noticed that problem solvers never run out of problems to solve? The old Harvard Business School model of problem solving is inadequate in today’s business environment. When we focus on solving problem, we actually invite more problems. Organizations are beginning to understand the power of focusing on strengths in order to accelerate growth.…

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Resolving conflict and getting back on track.

There is a tendency among leaders to mask conflict, even when there are underlying issues that could threaten the future of the organization. We recently worked with a successful and creative organization that was beginning to feel itself go off the rails. The company is the gold standard in the industry. It has received numerous…

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Should you fire the narcissist?

Narcissism is a spectrum disorder. While some people may exhibit a few narcissistic traits, others exhibit full-blown personality disorder. Leaders often find themselves working alongside narcissists. In fact, some narcissists make great leaders. They have “rock star” qualities. They’re charismatic, visionary and excellent at their trade. But they can also be self-devoted to the point…

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