Preparing a High Potential Leader for Partnership


An analytical, task-oriented leader is offered Executive Coaching to help him with his relationship and trust-building skills. Relationship building requires patience, and focused attention. As a leader, driving individual and team performance will accelerate your career trajectory. But, it is your ability to also effectively communicate, influence, and connect with a broad range of stakeholders that will earn you a seat the senior leadership table.

The Curci Group Approach

Executives recruited from larger firms to mid-sized firms often feel a sense of freedom with what they perceive as less needless bureaucracy and more flexibility and autonomy. Some, however, become frustrated over time by what they also perceive as a lack of standards, efficiency, and accountability. While they appreciate the comfort of a smaller firm, they bristle at some of the behaviors associated with a ‘less formal’ environment. Lacking the relationship skills to influence, or change the culture, they often either derail, or leave over time.

Our Executive Coach co-designed a development plan that took an ontological approach by examining the client’s current context, or beliefs. Before the client could change the system, he had to demonstrate an understanding and appreciation for the current environment.

Psychometric and 360º assessment data provided the self-awareness necessary to focus on the real work…self-management. Practicing empathy and demonstrating vulnerability over time, the client was able to rebuild trust among those he had offended. Letting go of the past (frustration, resentment, blame) and creating a new context, was essential to shaping a new future. Shifting from a tactical to a strategic mindset was also critical. Each shift opened pathways for new behaviors.

Results Achieved

Working together, the client presented to the partners new strategies and dramatic changes to the firm’s structure and compensation model. Despite his earlier reputation as confrontational and judgmental, he succeeded by managing his emotions, and aligning his ideas with the firm’s strategic objectives. He earned the enthusiastic support of all but one partner. And afterward, nearly every partner approached him to express appreciation for his well thought out ideas.

Some of the specific results achieved include:

  • Re-establishing trust by letting go of the past; demonstrating empathy and vulnerability
  • Controlling emotions and adopting a more controlled and consistent presence
  • Mastering inquiry as a way to ensure that others feel heard and respected
  • Preparing and delivering more thoughtful presentations, without judgment