Developing a Coaching Culture

According to recent data from The Conference Board, presented by Amy Abel, Ph.D., here are some of the strategies companies are using to embed coaching into their talent management framework:

58%    Make concerted efforts to integrate coaching behaviors within various talent management processes

50%    Develop leaders and managers at all levels to be coaches

38%    Include coaching behaviors in performance expectations

25%    Senior leadership communicate the need for a coaching culture on a regular basis

20%    Not currently focused on a coaching culture

10%    Use rewards and recognitions to cultivate and promote coaching behavior

The primary trend identified by the research points to an “Increased focus on Developing a Coaching Culture.” And the four key reasons for this trend are:

  1. Looming Productivity Crisis/Labor Shortages
  2. Spur Innovation
  3. Millennials’ (and non-millennials) need for continual feedback
  4. Redefined performance management systems

The way companies define a ‘coaching culture’ will vary based on that company’s profile and existing organizational culture. While hyper-growth companies like Airbnb prioritize teaching coaching skills to leaders to “grow teams quickly,” global retailers like WalMart need a scalable program designed for help officers and hi-pos to transition into new roles.

In defining a coaching culture, Josh Rogers from WalMart references the “questioning methodology.” “How do you think that went” vs. “Here’s what you can do better.”

One obstacle to overcome with internal coaching, particularly with team coaching, is getting people to be open and honest with their colleagues. Skilled coaches create the conditions for trust, critical for any coaching engagement.

A secondary trend identifies the need for “targeted coaching,” getting very clear on the “who” and the “what.” Who the company will provide coaching for, and what that specific coaching program includes.

In addition to targeted coaching, emerging trends include onboarding coaching, team coaching (intact teams), group coaching, and D&I coaching.

How does coaching fit into your company’s culture? What are the priorities? Where are the biggest opportunities to accelerate growth through coaching? We’ll help you design and implement an internal coaching program customized to your company’s unique needs and priorities. Inquire at